Each year, the Sisters send updated reports to Hong An Association regarding the changes of recipients for the rice program. Some of the reasons for these changes are some recipients have passed away, or their families are now able to take care of them, or after the Sisters visited them, the family members became more aware and attentive to take care of their love ones. So, the Sisters quickly filled those open spots.There are so many poor people that it doesn’t take long to find a replacement. Many poor neighborhoods have the Sisters nearby so they are familiar with where the poor areas are.
Each time the Hong An Association receives information regarding a new person’s situation, the Association always feels grief and shock that people must live in such deprivation! We invite you to follow the stories of new people shared by the Sisters of the Holy Cross of Hung Hoa.
Among the recipients of the “Hong An Rice”, 16 cases were changed:
– Death: 8 people (from someone born in 2011 (10 years old) to someone born in 1908 (113 years old).
– Family members were more attentive and took care of them: 3 people.
– Better economy: 5 people.
The Sisters have replaced 21 people as shown below.